
Why Research Synergy Foundation?

As a social enterprise our aim is to provide good research ecosystem. Not only providing a medium where scholars can share their research and ideas, but we also offer several schemes to sharpen your research. We care about innovative ideas and potential that can be nurtured and sharpened. Through pre conference workshops and coaching, researcher can enhance their writing skills through understanding varieties of research objective, methodologies, even tools to process the collected data.

Many researchers worldwide only have limited access to opportunities, knowledge sharing medium, and technology. They have limited access to literature; hence, good writing and publishing become one of the main issues they need to endure. They receive little to no feedback on their writing and not encouraging as global scholars. Their papers have smaller opportunities to be published in high impact journals.

We do understand this problem. There are gaps between high demand for strong manuscripts with adequate methodologies that ought to philosophically contribute to the academic world even though with the knowledge enriching and writing with limited access. Therefore, we “Research Synergy Foundation (RSF)” provides a more integrated RESEARCH ECOSYSTEM that will ease the process and let you contribute more to academics and society.

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Research Synergy Foundation realizes that the best education for all is one that can comprise the ecosystem as a medium for an academician to disseminate and collaborate with other academicians (scholars/ researchers). High impact publication will benefit not only the individual, but also their institution, country, and bigger societies. We believe that a country needs to focus on research-based action for the betterment of society.

Become An Associate

Two of the top challenges are the limited access and raising awareness of the local academician to be a global scholar, to have confidence in disseminating their research for the betterment of wider societies. They need to be aware of the importance of being a global research ecosystem where they can collaborate and partner with academicians/ researchers from different backgrounds to hone their potential. The current pandemic problems create a challenge as well, these researchers shift their priorities toward more basic concerns (health & safety). However, we are still focusing on the spirit of collaboration. One of the ways that RSF does it so that the spirit of research and output of publications can remain facilitated, we strengthen online scientific forum platforms such as virtual conferences. But without the support of various Parties such as universities/institutions themselves, it will be quite difficult to widen the impact.

So we welcome all individuals, organizations/institutions (universities, governments, and private sectors) to be part of our Global Research Ecosystem.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Research Synergy Foundation.



We are the people behind the scenes doing our best to get you edited, published and indexed as quickly as possible. Feel free to contact us for anything!

  • Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.

    Founder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation

  • Ani Wahyu Rachmawati, S.Psi., M.S.M.

    Founder & Director of Publication, Research Synergy Foundation. Director of Research Synergy Institute. Director of Research Synergy Press.

  • Santi Rahmawati, S.T., M.S.M.

    Founder & Director of Global Network Operation, Research Synergy Foundation. Director of Scholarvein.

  • Dr. Prameshwara Anggahegari

    Director of Reviewer Track

The Scientific Board Members

  • Dieter Bögenhold

    Klagenfurt University

    Google Schoolar
  • Veland Ramadani

    South East European University - North Macedoniar

    Google Schoolar
  • Professor Dr. Cham Tat-Huei

    UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia

    Google Schoolar
  • Associate Professor Gadaf Rexhepi, Ph.D

    South East European University, Macedonia

    Google Schoolar
  • Professor Kerry Brown

    Edith Cowan University. Australia

    Academic Profile